Saturday, June 15, 2013

Inaugural Post

Dear Guindy 56ers,  Greetings to you all and your families.

 When we met last at Chennai, there was a common view that we should run our own Blog to keep in touch and to share views and concerns. And so here it is.

 This is christened "Guindy 56" and can be accessed at

 The team comprising Ramki, Ramani and Ananthu have taken on the editorial responsibility.

 Your involvement is thru regularly accessing this Blog and making your contribution thru comments.

 This Blog would also feature developments and notable events in the families of our Batch. Do convey them to anyone or all the three above by mail. For ready reference their mail ids are below:

 Here is something we should ponder.

 Recently we had a very senior (position and age) public figure displaying his dissatisfaction in a very public manner, by resigning from the positions he held as a sequel to a perceived repudiation of his views by his colleagues.

 Such an action is recognised to be the outcome of an attitude called Sulking, an attitude into which people tend to slip in when they feel they are not given such importance as they think they deserve.

 We, senior citizens, are more prone to sulking than others especially in relation to family matters and situations. Reasons are simple. Generation gap and our not having tuned our views to the present. Sulking leads to lot of tension for all around us. And certainly leaves a scar behind, even after it is resolved. We should recognise this and at all costs try and not get into this stage at all.

 What are your views? Do write and share with us.

 Editorial Team.


  1. Sulking is human nature nourished right from childhood. It is an effective weapon in relationships to achieve one's wishes. I think men are all used to this situation at some time or the other in their marital lives. If old people are found sulking it is only because they have not learnt to grow old graciously

  2. How to grow old graciously is something that not many people seem to be aware. Reading the articles in the magazines advicsing the oldies, I get the impression that we are not to tell ourselves that we are old and should all the things we have been accustomed to doing so that we do not get depressed. It seems childish to me. At least at the old age, we must take time to examine the purpose of life - an exercise which we never found the time to do in our younger days that kept us busy in our career and family activities
